Our Impact

What we're trying to achieve

What we're trying to Achieve

We aim to support young people and families overcome adversity. See our 2024 Impact Report Here.

Ignite Life believes that every young person, regardless of their background, deserves equal access to support services to thrive.

We work with our community, with other organisations and with schools to reach those deemed 'hard to reach' and help close the gap disadvantaged young people face when accessing support. All our services aim to work holistically to best support our community.

Ignite launched in 2019, has one employed member of staff and an amazing team of counsellors, mentors and volunteers. We have been able to have a huge positive impact on the lives of many in the last few years. With the help of donations, fundraisers, volunteer support, relationships within our local community and an amazing counsellor team, we are proud of the support we have been able to offer so far.

illustration of a nervous girl being introduced to a group of young people by an encouraging adult

of the young people who received counselling in 2023 engages and achieved their intended outcome


hours of mentoring provided from August 2021-August 2022


young people offered between 6-24 weeks of counselling in 2023


meals delivered since April 2020 with our food delivery service.

a young woman smiling at the camera
"I have had a positive counselling experience and I feel I have had a lot come from it. I feel I have grown more as a person and my confidence has improved substantially. My councillor was very nice and easy to talk to once I got comfortable with her and she helped me a lot to understand myself and situation I was in."

Counselling case study: E received 38 counselling sessions with Ignite to help with anxiety and other mental health challenges, she told us 'Counselling with Ignite has been great for my self-confidence and improvement and it has allowed me to access counselling that is affordable otherwise I may have not been able to.’

Mentoring case study: E received mentoring during the summer holidays before her big move to college to help with getting familiar with the busses, and they told us: 'As a young person, mentoring has worked really well for me. It has improved my confidence tremendously and helped me feel more comfortable when doing buses and it has improved my independence greatly.’

a young woman laughing

How you can help

illustration of two people playing football


By choosing Ignite to support for your fundraising challenges, you are supporting the young people and families who often go unheard and overlooked.

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illustration of a woman pushing a man in a wheel chair with a bag of shopping


Your generous donations, big and small, make a huge difference on the lives of many. Just £20 provides two families with food for a week.

illustration of a group of teenagers waving


Volunteering your time helps us reach more members of our community, whether that’s 2 hours or a full day, in our food bank or supporting with social media.

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illustration of a group of friends


Ignite is working towards long-term change and campaigning will help us achieve this. With your help we can raise awareness and make a greater difference.

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Contact Us

Get in touch with us today.

Whether you are a young person needing support, you are a family member or carer, you support a young person or family, or you want to get involved in any way, get in contact with us!

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